Schools Filters & Definitions

Article author
Sophie Chitsaz
  • Updated

Paid Crunchbase customers can use any combination of the following filters for a school search.

Filter Categories

Basic Information | Basic information about the organization.

Investor Details | All fields and relationships related to investors of the organization.

School Details | All fields and relationships related to an organization that is a school.

Industries | Keyword for the sector or industry that the organization belongs to.

Team | All fields related to team members associated with the organization - this includes founders and current/past employees, board members, and advisors.

Funding | All fields and relationships related to funding of the organization. 

Investors | All fields related to investors of the organization.

Acquisitions | All fields related to the acquisitions associated with a company.

M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) | All fields related to the acquisition of this organization by another organization.

IPO & Stock Price | All fields related to companies that have had an initial public offering.

Signals | Filters related to signals, which are used as indicators of a company's growth.

Events | All fields and relationships related to events that an organization attended or organized. 

Rank & Scores | All fields related to the calculated CB rank and trend scores of a Company.

Similar Companies | Similar companies and possible competitors of an organization. 

Contacts | All fields and relationships related to Contacts that are affiliated with the Organization. 

Private Data | All private data related to this company, only visible to you and/or members of your team. 

CRM Accounts | All fields and relationships related to the CRM accounts that are associated with this organization. 

Basic Information

Organization name Name of the organization.
Headquarters Location Where the organization is headquartered.
Headquarters Regions Where the organization is headquartered. (e.g. San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley).
Postal Code The postal code of the organization's HQ address.
Diversity Spotlight (US Headquarters Only) Diversity Spotlight (US Headquarters Only): Types of diversity represented in an organization, specifically of those who are founding members, currently the CEO, or have check-writing abilities in an investment firm. This feature is in beta and may change with future updates.
Estimated Revenue Range Estimated revenue range for organization
Description Text of Organization Description, Industries, and Industry Groups
Operating Status Operating Status of Organization e.g. Active, Closed
Founded Date Date the Organization was founded
Exit Date Date the organization was acquired or went public
Closed Date The date when the organization is closed
Company Type Whether an Organization is for profit or non-profit
Website Link to homepage
Twitter Link to Organization's Twitter page
Facebook Link to Organization's Facebook page
LinkedIn Link to Organization's LinkedIn page
Contact Email General contact email for the organization
Phone Number Organization's general phone number
Number of Articles Number of news articles that reference the Organization
Hub Tags Tags are labels assigned to organizations, which identify their belonging to a group with that shared label
Full Description Organization Description, Industries, Industry Groups
Actively Hiring Companies that have at least one active job posting, powered by Jobbio
Number of Sub-Orgs Total number of sub-organizations that belongs to a parent Organization

Investor Details

Investor Type This describes the type of investor this organization is (e.g. Angel, Fund of Funds, Venture Capital)
Investment Stage This describes the stage of investments made by this organization (e.g. Angel, Fund of Funds, Venture Capital)

Investor Details > Investments

All fields related to investments made by a particular investor of the organization.

Number of Portfolio Organizations Total number of portfolio organizations
Number of Investments Total number of Investments made
Number of Lead Investments Total number of Lead Investments made
Number of Diversity Investments Total number of diversity investments made by an investor
Number of Exits Total number of Exits
Number of Exits (IPO) Total number of Exits (IPO)
Portfolio Organizations Organizations in an Investor's Portfolio
Investments Funding Rounds that the Investor invested in
Lead Investments Funding Rounds where the Investor organized/led the deal
Exits All Exits of an Organization
Fund Investments Fund investments by an Organization

Investor Details > Accelerator Programs

All fields related to a mentorship and funding program for startups.

Accelerator Program Type The type of Accelerator Program (e.g. On-Site, Online)
Accelerator Application Deadline The deadline for applying to the Accelerator Program
Accelerator Duration (in weeks) The duration of the Acceleration Program in number of weeks

School Details

School Type The type of school (e.g. Public, Private, Private (Non-Profit)
School Program The type of School Program (e.g. Bootcamp, Four Year University)
Number of Enrollments Total number of Enrollments
School Method The type of School Method (e.g. On Campus, Online)
Number of Founders (Alumni) Total number of Alumni that are Founders

School Details > Alumni

All fields and relationships related to alumni of the school. 

Number of Alumni Total number of alumni
Alumni Alumni of a School
Alumni (Founders) Alumni that are Founders of an Organization


Industry Groups Superset of Industries (e.g. Software, Mobile, Health Care)
Industries Descriptive keyword for an Organization (e.g. SaaS, Android, Cloud Computing, Medical Device)


Number of Founders Total number of Founders
Founders Founders of the organization
Number of Employees Total number of employees
Founders Founders of the Organization
Current Employees Employees currently working at a Company
Past Employees Employees who used to work at a Company
Current Board or Advisor Board Members or Advisors of a Company
Past Board or Advisors Past Board Members or Advisors of a Company

Team > Job Info

All fields related to the job of the current/past employees, board members, and advisors of the organization. 

Job Position name field (e.g. Steve Jobs, Founder @ Pixar)
Title At Company Title of a Person's Job
Start Date Start date of the Person's Job
End Date End date of the Person's Job
Person Name First and last name of a Person
Organization Name This is the name of the organization


Number of Funding Rounds Total number of Funding Rounds
Funding Status This field describes an organization's most recent funding status (e.g. Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, M&A)
Last Funding Date Date of most recent Funding Round
Last Funding Amount Amount of most recent Funding Round
Last Funding Type Last funding round type (e.g. Seed, Series A, Private Equity)
Last Equity Funding Amount Amount of most recent Funding Round excluding debt
Last Equity Funding Type The most recent Funding Round excluding debt
Total Equity Funding Amount Total funding amount raised across all Funding Rounds excluding debt
Total Funding Amount Total amount raised across all funding rounds
Valuation Latest post money valuation of organization
Valuation Date Date of latest post money valuation
Funding Rounds All Funding Rounds raised by an Organization
Last Funding Rounds The most recent Funding Round for an Organization


Top 5 Investors The top 5 investors with investments in this company, ordered by Crunchbase Rank
Number of Lead Investors Total number of lead investment firms and individual investors
Number of Investors Total number of investment firms and individual investors
Lead Investors All Lead Investors for an Organization
Investors All Investors of an Organization
Partner Investors Partner Investors (someone who made investments as a partner of a firm)


Number of Acquisitions Total number of Acquisitions
Acquisition Status The acquisition status of an organization
Acquisitions Organizations that were acquired (e.g. date, price)

M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions)

Transaction Name Auto-generated name of transaction (e.g. WhatsApp acquired by Facebook)
Acquired by Name of the organization that made the acquisition
Announced Date Date the Acquisition was announced
Price Price of the acquisition
Acquisition Type Type of acquisition (e.g. merger, acqui-hire)
Acquisition Terms Terms of the acquisition

IPO & Stock Price

IPO Status The current public status of the Organization
IPO Date The date when the Organization went public
Delisted Date The date when the Organization removed its stock from the stock exchange.
Money Raised at IPO Amount the Organization raised at IPO
Valuation at IPO Valuation of the Organization at IPO
Stock Symbol Stock ticker symbol (e.g. AAPL, FB, TWTR)
Stock Exchange Stock exchange where the Organization is listed e.g. NYSE, NASDAQ


Growth Category Indicates whether the company's growth status is positive
Last Leadership Hiring Date Companies that have hired executives (VP and above) in a certain date range
Last Layoff Mention Date Date of last layoff event


Number of Events Total number of events an Organization appeared in
Event Organization has participated in an event
Organizer Organization has participated in an event as a Organizer
Speaker Organization has participated in an event as a Speaker
Sponsor Organization has participated in an event as a Sponsor
Exhibitor Organization has participated in an event as a Exhibitor
Contestant Organization has participated in an event as a Contestant

Rank & Scores

CB Rank (Organization) Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active Organizations
CB Rank (Company) Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active Companies
CB Rank (School) Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active Schools
Trend Score (7 Days) Movement in Rank over the last 7 days using a score from -10 to 10
Trend Score (30 Days) Movement in Rank over the last 30 days using a score from -10 to 10
Trend Score (90 Days) Movement in Rank over the last 90 days using a score from -10 to 10

Similar Companies

Similar Organization Organizations similar to the given organization
Similar Companies Total number of organizations similar to the given organization


All fields and relationships related to Contacts that are affiliated with the Organization. 

Contact Job Titles Job titles of the contacts associated with this organization
Contact Job Departments Job department of the contacts associated with this organization
Number of Contacts Total number of Crunchbase contacts associated with this organization
Number of Private Contacts Total number of private contacts associated with this organization

Private Data

All private data related to this company, only visible to you and/or members of your team. 

Number of Private Notes Total number of private notes
Tags Tags associated with this Organization
Stage The stage that the organization is associated with

Private Data > Private Notes

All filters related to private notes associated with this organization.

Organization The organization this note is attached to
Private Notes A field to add freeform notes about an Organization. Private to a specific workspace.
Organization Organization to which this note belongs

Private Data > Tasks

All filters related to tasks affiliated with this organization. 

Task Title of the task
Target The entity this task is attached to
Description Task description
Tags Name of the shared tag

CRM Accounts

Number of CRM Accounts Total number of CRM accounts
Last Activity Date of CRM Accounts Last known date that any CRM account had activity
CRM Account Owner Name Names of the owners of associated CRM accounts
CRM Customer Type Customer types of associated CRM accounts
Organization The organization this CRM account is attached to

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