Paid Crunchbase customers can use any combination of the following filters for a school search.
Filter Categories
Basic Information | Basic information about the organization.
Investor Details | All fields and relationships related to investors of the organization.
School Details | All fields and relationships related to an organization that is a school.
Industries | Keyword for the sector or industry that the organization belongs to.
Team | All fields related to team members associated with the organization - this includes founders and current/past employees, board members, and advisors.
Funding | All fields and relationships related to funding of the organization.
Investors | All fields related to investors of the organization.
Acquisitions | All fields related to the acquisitions associated with a company.
M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) | All fields related to the acquisition of this organization by another organization.
IPO & Stock Price | All fields related to companies that have had an initial public offering.
Signals | Filters related to signals, which are used as indicators of a company's growth.
Events | All fields and relationships related to events that an organization attended or organized.
Rank & Scores | All fields related to the calculated CB rank and trend scores of a Company.
Similar Companies | Similar companies and possible competitors of an organization.
Contacts | All fields and relationships related to Contacts that are affiliated with the Organization.
Private Data | All private data related to this company, only visible to you and/or members of your team.
CRM Accounts | All fields and relationships related to the CRM accounts that are associated with this organization.
Basic Information
Organization name | Name of the organization. |
Headquarters Location | Where the organization is headquartered. |
Headquarters Regions | Where the organization is headquartered. (e.g. San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley). |
Postal Code | The postal code of the organization's HQ address. |
Diversity Spotlight (US Headquarters Only) | Diversity Spotlight (US Headquarters Only): Types of diversity represented in an organization, specifically of those who are founding members, currently the CEO, or have check-writing abilities in an investment firm. This feature is in beta and may change with future updates. |
Estimated Revenue Range | Estimated revenue range for organization |
Description | Text of Organization Description, Industries, and Industry Groups |
Operating Status | Operating Status of Organization e.g. Active, Closed |
Founded Date | Date the Organization was founded |
Exit Date | Date the organization was acquired or went public |
Closed Date | The date when the organization is closed |
Company Type | Whether an Organization is for profit or non-profit |
Website | Link to homepage |
Link to Organization's Twitter page | |
Link to Organization's Facebook page | |
Link to Organization's LinkedIn page | |
Contact Email | General contact email for the organization |
Phone Number | Organization's general phone number |
Number of Articles | Number of news articles that reference the Organization |
Hub Tags | Tags are labels assigned to organizations, which identify their belonging to a group with that shared label |
Full Description | Organization Description, Industries, Industry Groups |
Actively Hiring | Companies that have at least one active job posting, powered by Jobbio |
Number of Sub-Orgs | Total number of sub-organizations that belongs to a parent Organization |
Investor Details
Investor Type | This describes the type of investor this organization is (e.g. Angel, Fund of Funds, Venture Capital) |
Investment Stage | This describes the stage of investments made by this organization (e.g. Angel, Fund of Funds, Venture Capital) |
Investor Details > Investments
All fields related to investments made by a particular investor of the organization.
Number of Portfolio Organizations | Total number of portfolio organizations |
Number of Investments | Total number of Investments made |
Number of Lead Investments | Total number of Lead Investments made |
Number of Diversity Investments | Total number of diversity investments made by an investor |
Number of Exits | Total number of Exits |
Number of Exits (IPO) | Total number of Exits (IPO) |
Portfolio Organizations | Organizations in an Investor's Portfolio |
Investments | Funding Rounds that the Investor invested in |
Lead Investments | Funding Rounds where the Investor organized/led the deal |
Exits | All Exits of an Organization |
Fund Investments | Fund investments by an Organization |
Investor Details > Accelerator Programs
All fields related to a mentorship and funding program for startups.
Accelerator Program Type | The type of Accelerator Program (e.g. On-Site, Online) |
Accelerator Application Deadline | The deadline for applying to the Accelerator Program |
Accelerator Duration (in weeks) | The duration of the Acceleration Program in number of weeks |
School Details
School Type | The type of school (e.g. Public, Private, Private (Non-Profit) |
School Program | The type of School Program (e.g. Bootcamp, Four Year University) |
Number of Enrollments | Total number of Enrollments |
School Method | The type of School Method (e.g. On Campus, Online) |
Number of Founders (Alumni) | Total number of Alumni that are Founders |
School Details > Alumni
All fields and relationships related to alumni of the school.
Number of Alumni | Total number of alumni |
Alumni | Alumni of a School |
Alumni (Founders) | Alumni that are Founders of an Organization |
Industry Groups | Superset of Industries (e.g. Software, Mobile, Health Care) |
Industries | Descriptive keyword for an Organization (e.g. SaaS, Android, Cloud Computing, Medical Device) |
Number of Founders | Total number of Founders |
Founders | Founders of the organization |
Number of Employees | Total number of employees |
Founders | Founders of the Organization |
Current Employees | Employees currently working at a Company |
Past Employees | Employees who used to work at a Company |
Current Board or Advisor | Board Members or Advisors of a Company |
Past Board or Advisors | Past Board Members or Advisors of a Company |
Team > Job Info
All fields related to the job of the current/past employees, board members, and advisors of the organization.
Job | Position name field (e.g. Steve Jobs, Founder @ Pixar) |
Title At Company | Title of a Person's Job |
Start Date | Start date of the Person's Job |
End Date | End date of the Person's Job |
Person Name | First and last name of a Person |
Organization Name | This is the name of the organization |
Number of Funding Rounds | Total number of Funding Rounds |
Funding Status | This field describes an organization's most recent funding status (e.g. Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, M&A) |
Last Funding Date | Date of most recent Funding Round |
Last Funding Amount | Amount of most recent Funding Round |
Last Funding Type | Last funding round type (e.g. Seed, Series A, Private Equity) |
Last Equity Funding Amount | Amount of most recent Funding Round excluding debt |
Last Equity Funding Type | The most recent Funding Round excluding debt |
Total Equity Funding Amount | Total funding amount raised across all Funding Rounds excluding debt |
Total Funding Amount | Total amount raised across all funding rounds |
Valuation | Latest post money valuation of organization |
Valuation Date | Date of latest post money valuation |
Funding Rounds | All Funding Rounds raised by an Organization |
Last Funding Rounds | The most recent Funding Round for an Organization |
Top 5 Investors | The top 5 investors with investments in this company, ordered by Crunchbase Rank |
Number of Lead Investors | Total number of lead investment firms and individual investors |
Number of Investors | Total number of investment firms and individual investors |
Lead Investors | All Lead Investors for an Organization |
Investors | All Investors of an Organization |
Partner Investors | Partner Investors (someone who made investments as a partner of a firm) |
Number of Acquisitions | Total number of Acquisitions |
Acquisition Status | The acquisition status of an organization |
Acquisitions | Organizations that were acquired (e.g. date, price) |
M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions)
Transaction Name | Auto-generated name of transaction (e.g. WhatsApp acquired by Facebook) |
Acquired by | Name of the organization that made the acquisition |
Announced Date | Date the Acquisition was announced |
Price | Price of the acquisition |
Acquisition Type | Type of acquisition (e.g. merger, acqui-hire) |
Acquisition Terms | Terms of the acquisition |
IPO & Stock Price
IPO Status | The current public status of the Organization |
IPO Date | The date when the Organization went public |
Delisted Date | The date when the Organization removed its stock from the stock exchange. |
Money Raised at IPO | Amount the Organization raised at IPO |
Valuation at IPO | Valuation of the Organization at IPO |
Stock Symbol | Stock ticker symbol (e.g. AAPL, FB, TWTR) |
Stock Exchange | Stock exchange where the Organization is listed e.g. NYSE, NASDAQ |
Growth Category | Indicates whether the company's growth status is positive |
Last Leadership Hiring Date | Companies that have hired executives (VP and above) in a certain date range |
Last Layoff Mention Date | Date of last layoff event |
Number of Events | Total number of events an Organization appeared in |
Event | Organization has participated in an event |
Organizer | Organization has participated in an event as a Organizer |
Speaker | Organization has participated in an event as a Speaker |
Sponsor | Organization has participated in an event as a Sponsor |
Exhibitor | Organization has participated in an event as a Exhibitor |
Contestant | Organization has participated in an event as a Contestant |
Rank & Scores
CB Rank (Organization) | Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active Organizations |
CB Rank (Company) | Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active Companies |
CB Rank (School) | Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active Schools |
Trend Score (7 Days) | Movement in Rank over the last 7 days using a score from -10 to 10 |
Trend Score (30 Days) | Movement in Rank over the last 30 days using a score from -10 to 10 |
Trend Score (90 Days) | Movement in Rank over the last 90 days using a score from -10 to 10 |
Similar Companies
Similar Organization | Organizations similar to the given organization |
Similar Companies | Total number of organizations similar to the given organization |
All fields and relationships related to Contacts that are affiliated with the Organization.
Contact Job Titles | Job titles of the contacts associated with this organization |
Contact Job Departments | Job department of the contacts associated with this organization |
Number of Contacts | Total number of Crunchbase contacts associated with this organization |
Number of Private Contacts | Total number of private contacts associated with this organization |
Private Data
All private data related to this company, only visible to you and/or members of your team.
Number of Private Notes | Total number of private notes |
Tags | Tags associated with this Organization |
Stage | The stage that the organization is associated with |
Private Data > Private Notes
All filters related to private notes associated with this organization.
Organization | The organization this note is attached to |
Private Notes | A field to add freeform notes about an Organization. Private to a specific workspace. |
Organization | Organization to which this note belongs |
Private Data > Tasks
All filters related to tasks affiliated with this organization.
Task | Title of the task |
Target | The entity this task is attached to |
Description | Task description |
Tags | Name of the shared tag |
CRM Accounts
Number of CRM Accounts | Total number of CRM accounts |
Last Activity Date of CRM Accounts | Last known date that any CRM account had activity |
CRM Account Owner Name | Names of the owners of associated CRM accounts |
CRM Customer Type | Customer types of associated CRM accounts |
Organization | The organization this CRM account is attached to |
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