Funding Rounds Filters & Definitions

Article author
Sophie Chitsaz
  • Updated

Paid Crunchbase customers can use any combination of the following filters for a funding round search.

Filter Categories

Deal Info | All fields related to Funding Round deal e.g. date, amount, valuation.

Funded Organization | All fields related to the funded Organization.

Investors | All fields related to Investors in a Funding Round.

Rank & Scores | All fields related to the calculated rank and scores of a Funding Round. 

Deal Info

Transaction Name Auto-generated name of transaction (e.g. Angel - Uber)
Funding Type Type of Funding Round (e.g. Seed, Series A, Private Equity, Debt Financing)
Funding Stage The funding stage of a funding round
Money Raised Amount of money raised in Funding Round
Announced Date Date that the Funding Round was publicly announced
Pre-Money Valuation Valuation of a Company prior to a Funding Round
Equity Only Funding This indicates whether the Funding Round is financed only through equity.
Post-Money Valuation Valuation of a Company after a Funding Round
Is Confirmed Post-Money Valuation The Post-Money Valuation has been confirmed by a reputable source

Funded Organization

Organization Name Name of the organization.
Organization Description Text of Organization Description, Industries, and Industry Groups
Organization Industries Descriptive keyword for an Organization (e.g. SaaS, Android, Cloud Computing, Medical Device)
Diversity Spotlight (US Headquarters Only) Types of diversity represented in an organization, specifically of those who are founding members, currently the CEO, or have check-writing abilities in an investment firm. This feature is in beta and may change with future updates.
Organization Location Where the organization is headquartered.
Organization Website Link to homepage
Organization Revenue Range Revenue range of the organization that got funded
Total Funding Amount Total amount raised across all funding rounds
Funding Status This field describes an organization's most recent funding status (e.g. Early Stage Venture, Late Stage Venture, M&A)
Number of Funding Rounds Total number of Funding Rounds
Funded Organization The Organization(s) that raised money


Lead Investors Name of the investor who led the investment in the funding round
Investor Names Names of all investors who invested in the funding round
Number of Investors Total number of Investors in a Funding Round
Number of Partner Investors Total number of Partner Investors in a Funding Round
Lead Investors Lead Investors in a funding round
Investors Investors in a funding round
Partners Individuals who led a funding round for their firm

Rank & Scores

CB Rank (Funding Round) Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active Funding Rounds


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