Investors Filters & Definitions

Article author
Sophie Chitsaz
  • Updated

Paid Crunchbase customers can use any combination of the following filters for a investor search.

Filter Categories

Basic Information | All fields related to an Organization or a Person e.g. name, location, type.

Investor Details | All fields and relationships related to an investor.

Investments | All fields related to Investments made by an Investor.

Accelerator Programs | All fields related to a mentorship and funding program for startups.

Rank & Scores | All fields related to the calculated CB rank and trend scores of an Investor.

Contacts | All fields and relationships related to Contacts that are affiliated with the Investor. 


Basic Information

Organization/Person Name Name of the organization/person
Location Where the organization is headquartered.
Description Text of Organization or Person Description, Industries, and Industry Groups
Person Info Basic information related to the Person  e.g. name, location, Gender
Organization Info Basic information related to the Organization e.g. name, headquarters, type

Investor Details

Investor Type This describes the type of investor this organization is (e.g. Angel, Fund of Funds, Venture Capital)
Investment Stage This describes the stage of investments made by this organization (e.g. Angel, Fund of Funds, Venture Capital)
Diversity Spotlights of Investments Types of diversity represented in a portfolio company, specifically of those who are founding members, currently the CEO, or have check-writing abilities in an investment firm. This feature is in beta and may change with future updates.


Number of Portfolio Organizations Total number of portfolio organizations
Number of Investments Total number of Investments made
Number of Partner Investments Number of Investments the Individual has partnered in
Number of Lead Investments Total number of Lead Investments made
Number of Diversity Investments Total number of diversity investments made by an investor
Number of Exits Total number of Exits
Number of Exits (IPO) Total number of Exits (IPO)
Portfolio Organizations All filters for Organizations who are in the Investor Portfolio
Lead Investments All filters related to Funding Rounds where the Investor organized/led the deal
Investments All fields related to Investments made by an Investor or a Partner
Exits All filters related to all Exits of An Organization or Person
Fund Investments Fund investments by a principal

Accelerator Programs

Accelerator Program Type The type of Accelerator Program (e.g. On-Site, Online)
Accelerator Next Application Deadline The deadline for applying to the Accelerator Program
Accelerator Duration (in weeks) The duration of the Acceleration Program in number of weeks

Rank & Scores

CB Rank (Investor) Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active Investors
Trend Score (7 Days) Movement in Rank over the last 7 days using a score from -10 to 10
Trend Score (30 Days) Movement in Rank over the last 30 days using a score from -10 to 10
Trend Score (90 Days) Movement in Rank over the last 90 days using a score from -10 to 10


Contact Job Titles Job titles of the contacts associated with this organization
Contact Job Departments Job department of the contacts associated with this organization
Number of Contacts Total number of Crunchbase contacts associated with this organization


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