Events Filters & Definitions

Article author
Sophie Chitsaz
  • Updated

Paid Crunchbase customers can use any combination of the following filters for an event search.

Filter Categories

Event Info | All basic fields related to an Event (e.g. name, location, date).

Industries | Keyword, sector, or industry (e.g. Fintech, Mobile, SaaS, Healthtech).

Participants | All basic fields related to Event's Participants.

Rank & Scores | All fields related to the calculated rank and scores of an Event.

Event Info

Event Name Name of the Event
Start Date Start date of the Event
End Date End date of the Event
Location Location of the Event (e.g. Japan, San Francisco, Europe, Asia)
Regions Regions of the Event (e.g. San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley)
Description A short description of the Event
Event Type Type of Event (e.g. hackathon, meetup, conference)
Venue Name Name of the Event venue
Registration URL Link to the Event registration page
Event URL Link to main Event page
Full Description Text from Event's description


Industry Group Superset of Industries (e.g. Software, Mobile, Health Care)
Industry Descriptive keyword for an Organization (e.g. SaaS, Android, Cloud Computing, Medical Device)


Number of Organizers Total number of Organizers at the Event
Number of Speakers Total number of Speakers at the Event
Number of Sponsors Total number of Sponsors for the Event
Number of Exhibitors Total number of Exhibitors at the Event
Number of Contestants Total number of Contestants at the Event
Basic Info Basic information related to the Person e.g. name, location, type

A person who displays items of interest at an exhibition.


A person who speaks at an event


An individual or organization that pays some or all of the costs involving the event. They typically receive advertising in return.

Exhibitors A person who displays items of interest at an exhibition.

A participant in a competitive event

Rank & Scores

CB Rank (Event) Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active Events

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