How to Use Task Tracker

Article author
Sophie Chitsaz
  • Updated

As a Crunchbase Pro or Enterprise customer, you can now create company-specific tasks to track next steps and make your next move! The beta version of tasks is now available in the side panel of Crunchbase company profile pages or advanced search. Stay on top of your to-do lists with in-product notifications alerting you when tasks are due!

Please note that unlike shared notes, tasks are private and only visible to you. Similar to shared notes, they are company-specific, so your tasks are kept organized and relevant to each company profile you visit. 

Adding tasks

Find the ‘Add Task’ button in the top left corner of the task tracker, then fill out the task’s name, description, and due date. All fields are optional, so you can create tasks that make the most sense for you.

Completing tasks

When you’ve completed a task, click the checkbox on the left:

This will move it down to the 'Completed Tasks' section:


Accidentally marked an incomplete task as complete? Navigate down to the Completed Tasks section to reopen it.

Editing tasks

Click the three dots on the right side of the task to duplicate or delete it. To edit, simply click into the text of the title or description.


Notifications for tasks

Notifications for tasks automatically show in-product in the global navigation bar the day that they’re due.


Viewing and sorting tasks

Use the top dropdown to toggle between all of your tasks that you have across multiple company profiles, and the company-specific tasks for the profile you are currently viewing.

You can also choose how you want to sort your tasks - by date, or by sliding the task tiles manually to best suit your needs.


Our product team is actively exploring adding additional functionalities to help you discover, qualify, track, and engage with potential opportunities more efficiently. To share any feedback with our product team, or for any questions you have, please email

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