While Searches help you find results that match your criteria,Listsallow you to follow specific profiles. It’s a simple way to monitor prospects, investors, or your next unicorn.
1. Select results from a search
After you've searched, click the checkbox next to the results you want to save or check the top box to select all search results
ClickSave to List
Select from existing lists or create a new one on the spot
You can make as many lists as your heart desires such a contact list. To learn more clickhere!
2. Quick add from my lists
InMy Lists, enter the name of a profile you would like to add
After entering the name, a dropdown menu will appear with matches. Select the one you have your eye on
A checkmark will appear when it is successfully added. Hooray!
3. Save on profile pages
When visiting a profile you want to track more easily, simply clickSave on the top right of the screen
Choose to add the profile to an existing list, 'My First List' or create a new list!