Save a Search or a List using Crunchbase Pro

Article author
Sophie Chitsaz
  • Updated

As a Crunchbase Pro customer, once you’ve built out a search, you can save your results in the form of a Saved search or List so you can access them later! Let’s first distinguish between a Saved Search and List, as they’ll help you in different ways:

  • Searches follow the continuously updated profiles that are the result of your saved search criteria; they are dynamic
  • Lists follow the activity of the specific profiles that you have saved to that list; they are static

Saving a Search

To save your search, simply click on the blue Save Search button in the top right corner of your results.

This will open up the following modal, where you can name the search, update its privacy settings, and manage your email alert preferences

Saving a List

Start by creating a search - manually select which entries you want to add to your list by checking their boxes on the left individually, or, check the box at the very top of your search results next to the Name column to select all results. This will reveal the blue Save to List button - click this.

You’ll have the option to add these results to an existing list, or scroll all the way to the bottom to create a new one.

Selecting Create New List will open the following modal, where you can name the list, update its privacy settings, and customize the type and frequency of email alerts

Need help with saving a search or list? Post your question in the Crunchbase Community or connect with our support team at

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