Instructions for Single Sign-On Setup with Google

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Crunchbase Staff
  • Updated

Single sign-on makes logging into Crunchbase easy. Access Crunchbase via providers like Google and use the same login credentials instead of having to remember a separate password! 

Note, your team administrator is the only individual who can enable SSO. To learn how to see who your team admin is, click here

For team admins, we would recommend receiving assistance from your company's IT person. Additionally, please click here to learn about SSO enabled restrictions. 

For now, here are the specific instructions for setting up single sign-on with Google:

  1. From the top navigation, select Account and click Account Settings from the dropdown list.
  2. Once in the account settings screen, use the left navigation to select the Crunchbase admin Security section. Then click “Get Started”. Note, this section will only appear to team admins and owner. 
  3. Follow the Google instructions to set up your own custom SAML application under your super administrator account.
  4. Turn on your SAML app.
  5. Verify that SSO is working with your custom app.

Users can now access Google SSO to log into Crunchbase!

All team members who were successfully assigned will now be expected to log into Crunchbase via SSO. They will not be able to log in via their email address & password or social accounts. Note, users will be prompted to log in every 24 hours.

We currently support SP initiated logins. 

Need help or guidance? Reach out to us at or post your question in the Crunchbase Community 

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