Before getting started, make sure that you’re logged into your Crunchbase account and authenticated via a social network. If you don’t have an account yet, you can register for one here.
To create an Event profile on Crunchbase, first search to see if your event is already listed on Crunchbase by using the top search bar or event search here.
If it is not listed, you can create a new event by clicking the Create Profile button on the left navigation menu on the homepage or by clicking here. Select Event from the menu of options which will take you to the Edit New Event page.
Enter the details of your event on the Edit New Event page. We recommend filling in as many details as possible in order to create a complete Crunchbase event profile.
To add exhibitors, speakers, sponsors, organizers, and contestants to the event, scroll down to the section named Event Appearances and click Create New Appearance. This will take you to the Edit New Appearance page where you can search for the organization or person and select the appearance type. If an organization or person does not yet have a Crunchbase profile, you can create one by clicking on Create New Participant.
Once you’ve finished adding event appearances, click Continue at the top right or bottom of the page.
This will take you back to the Edit New Event page where you can click Save All Edits at the top right corner of the profile.
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