Crunchbase is the leading database of technology companies, people, and investors. The following guidelines provide best practices for adding content to Crunchbase:
Include as much information as you can in the top overview section. We recommend making sure your profile’s overview includes the following:
- Logo
- Website
- Social media
- Founded date
Company Description
The tone for both the short and long description should be written in 3rd person (i.e. “company x” rather than “our company.")
The long description should start with a sentence that summarizes the company, before adding more details in the supporting sentences.
Avoid marketing language like “best” or “most comprehensive." Avoid any language that will date the description (i.e. replace “new" with “launched April 2008.”)
Add industries that a company is in (i.e. sector). We recommend anywhere between 3-5 industries as there is a limit to the number of industries that can be listed on a profile.
If you are not able to provide a street address, the city and country are what is displayed on the company profile. Additionally, the city and country are often used in Crunchbase Pro searches.
Contact E-mail
General company emails, such as info@ or contact@, are recommended. We do not advise using personal emails for company contact information.
Funding Rounds
Please include all previous funding rounds as we aim to be comprehensive on funding. Keep in mind, we only track closed funding rounds.
Funding rounds are recommended to include:
- Amount
- Date
- Investors
- Press Reference related to the funding
Employees, Board Members, Advisors
Add founders, executives, and any other significant team members.
This section is for any acquisition the company has made. Add acquisitions through the acquiring company's profile and the acquisition status will automatically appear on the acquired company's profile.
Add any important news articles about the company.