How to Filter by Diversity Using Crunchbase Pro

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Crunchbase Staff
  • Updated

Diversity Spotlight is a feature on Crunchbase that indicates if there is diversity in an organization’s leadership team. For startups, this includes Founders and CEO's. For investment firms, this refers to Managing Partners.

In search, you can filter companies by those who have individuals that identify with a diverse background on their founding and leadership team. 

Additionally, you can filter investment firms that have diverse founders & partners as well as having made diverse investments. 

Note, this data point will only capture information on U.S. based companies only. If you notice your company is missing diversity spotlight tags, learn how to add them to your profile here

Follow the steps below to learn how to filter by diversity spotlight in companies:

1. In the advanced search page locate the “Diversity Spotlight (US Only)” filter in the left-hand filter menu under Overview. Note, the individual filter sections will appear collapsed - simply click the dropdown arrow to expand the section you want to look at or utilize. 


2. In the search box, type in one of the Diversity Spotlight tags we have available - when you found the specific tag you want, select it from the list.  (Your search results will automatically populate when you make a selection.)


3. Ta da! You now have a list of companies with corresponding diversity. Hit “Save Search” to save this list of results & get alerted when there are new additions. You can also update an existing list by simply adding the Diversity Spotlight (US Only) column.Diversity_Spotlight.gif

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