How Do I Import a List With Crunchbase Pro?

Article author
Sophie Chitsaz
  • Updated

Import your own personal list of companies into Crunchbase to easily gather data on multiple entities at once. The import feature is available for those with a Crunchbase Pro subscription, as well as those with an Enterprise license.

You’ll need to first create a CSV file with two columns - name and domain. The first column should contain the name of the organization, and the second should be the domain URL of the organization’s website. You can download this template HERE to help you get started. 

*Please ensure that the format of your file is .csv - this is required to ensure that your file is uploaded successfully.

Here’s an example of how your CSV should look:

Once you’ve got your file ready to go, there are two ways to navigate to the import feature from your homepage - on the left hand side under My Crunchbase, and from My Dashboard, which can be accessed from the global navigation bar across all pages in Crunchbase.


On the import page, you can upload the file by dragging and dropping or simply clicking the Upload File button.

Select View Your List once the upload is completed!

Your list will be automatically saved to your My Dashboard page, so you can access it at any time. 

Note that the name of the list will be the same as the file you uploaded, but you can always change it by clicking the three dot icon at the top right of your list.

Having trouble importing your list? Check out this article HERE for troubleshooting tips and tricks, or post your question in the Crunchbase Community.  

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