Having trouble with exporting your list or search?
First, please ensure the following basic requirements for using our export feature:
- Export is available to those with a Crunchbase Pro subscription or Enterprise license
- Export is not available for those on a free Crunchbase Pro trial
If you receive an error while trying to open your Excel file:
- Note that our CSV is encoded in UTF-8, which means when importing in Excel, you need to tell Excel that our file is in this encoding. HERE is a video of how to do this.
If you’re using Safari and the file is downloading to your browser as opposed to locally on your computer:
This is a known behavior of the Safari browser when downloading CSV files. The workaround for this issue is to save the file locally.
- In Crunchbase Pro, click on the Export icon in the upper right-hand corner
- Select Export to CSV to export your results to a CSV file
- Once the file is displayed in your Safari browser, go to File -> Save As…
- In the next prompt, change Format to “Page Source”
- Change the file name as needed and add “.csv” as the file extension in the file name
- Click Save
Questions? Feel free to reach out to our support team at prosupport@crunchbase.com.