Export Notes or Tags to CSV

Article author
Sophie Chitsaz
  • Updated

As of 10/7/24, customers that recently purchased Crunchbase Pro will no longer have access to data exports, CRM integrations, contacts or SSO.

As a paid Crunchbase user with a Pro subscription or Business license, you can export your notes and tags to a CSV file.

1. Navigate to your Saved Search or List.

2. Click Add Column, then scroll to the Private Data field. Select that, then check the boxes for Notes and/or Tags. Click Apply Changes

3. Click Export to CSV.

Click here for a step-by-step video tutorial

*NOTE: If you are exporting your Notes and Tags because you are switching teams -

  • You can access your CRM data and My CRM list after reconnecting your CRM with the new team account.
  • For unlocked contacts, you can either push to CRM or export it in Advanced Search.

Looking to get the most out of Crunchbase? We recommend learning more about our Business and API plans. 

With the Business plan, you can leverage scalable integrations and exports for your team. Conduct your own analysis with 5K data exports per month and gain exclusive access to CRM integrations, contacts and single-sign on to maximize team efficiency. 

With the API, you can access live company data at scale with unlimited exports. Enrich your tools and build your products with proprietary company intelligence, including the full scope of predictions and insights data. Click HERE for additional information on Crunchbase Business and API, and to reach out to our sales team directly.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to our support team at prosupport@crunchbase.com

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