How do I cancel my subscription?

Article author
Crunchbase Staff
  • Updated

To cancel a subscription, click the account in the upper right-hand corner, then select Account Settings.


From the left navigation, select Subscriptions & Billing.

Under the Subscription Management section, click the Cancel All Seats button. 

A window will appear, prompting you to verify that you would like to cancel your subscription (and add ons). Click Continue to Cancel.

To verify your cancellation, click Cancel and downgrade to basic.

  • For a step by step guide to cancelling your Crunchbase Pro subscription, click here.
  • For a step by step guide to cancelling your Contacts add on, click here

Please note that your subscription will remain active until the end of your billing period. As you will still have access to your Crunchbase paid product through the end of your billing period, no prorated refunds are issued.

Your paid account will revert to a free account, effective the end of your billing period.

As our team continues to improve our product, we would love to hear any feedback you may have regarding your experience. Please reach out to us at with any comments.

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