Crunchbase Rank (CB Rank)

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Crunchbase Staff
  • Updated

The Crunchbase rank uses Crunchbase’s intelligent algorithms to score and rank entities (e.g. Company, People, Investors, etc.) so you can quickly see what matters most in real time. The algorithms take into account many different variables, ranging from Total Funding Amount, that entity’s strength of relationships with other entities in the Crunchbase ecosystem, and how many times the entity has been viewed recently.

The Crunchbase rank shows where an entity falls in the Crunchbase platform relative to all other entities in that entity type (i.e. if searching for companies, you will see where a specific company ranks relative to all other companies). An entity with a Crunchbase Rank of 1 has the highest rank relative to all other entities of that type.

Check out our blog post on Crunchbase Rank and Trend Score to learn more.

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