If you are experiencing an “Unexpected error has occurred” message while signing up for a trial or purchasing a subscription, please try the below suggestions to get the issue resolved as quickly as possible:
Manually enter your payment information. We do not recommend using auto-fill to enter your payment details, as this can contribute to or cause the error.
Ensure the CVC code is entered correctly. To learn where these are located, click here.
Use a digital wallet payment method instead. We accept payment via Apple Pay, PayPal, and Google Pay.
Contact your bank or card issuer directly. They may be blocking the payment as a precaution to protect you from an unrecognized charge, especially if you have not purchased from Crunchbase before.
- Try a different credit card.
- If the issue persists after trying the suggestions above, please reach out to our support team at billing@crunchbase.com. In your email, please include the following:
- The first and last name on the card you are attempting to use.
- The card’s last four digits.
- The name of the product or trial you are attempting to sign up for.
Update as of October 1st, 2021
For customers based out of India or using an Indian Bank Card, please note as of October 1st, 2021, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) directive has taken effect for recurring payments using India Bank Cards. Due to the new directive, your payment may not get processed. See here for more information from the Reserve Bank of India.