IPqwery provides a complete picture of the IP holdings of any company. Get an overview of the technologies a company possesses (patents), its brands (trademarks), its inventors, and how it scores for being innovative (IP Activity). Our Data Boost subscription will provide you with the following data from IPqwery:
Data Field | Description |
Abstract |
A concise summary of the invention disclosed in the patent application
Class Description |
The description of the classes assigned to the patent or trademark, as determined by the patent or trademark office.
Filing Date |
The filing date of the patent or trademark.
Filing Office |
The office that the patent or trademark was filed with.
First Publication Date |
The first publication date of the patent.
Goods and Services |
The goods and services to which this trademark will apply.
IP Activity Score |
Measure of innovativeness based on trailing 5 years of IP filings, as detected by IPqwery.
Issue Date |
The issue date of the patent or trademark.
Most Popular Class Description |
The description of the most popular class assigned to the majority of this companies patents.
Most Popular Patent Class |
Most popular class of patents across all the companies patents owned or applied for.
Most Popular Trademark Class |
Most popular class of trademarks across all the companies trademarks owned or applied for.
Patent (Title) |
The name of the patent.
Patent Category |
The class or category of the patent, as defined by the Patent Office.
Patent Owner |
The owner of the patent.
Patent Status |
The current status of the patent.
Patents Granted |
Total number of patents granted and owned by the company.
Patents Pending |
Total number of patents applied for that are pending.
Registration Date |
The date the trademark was registered.
Total Patents |
Total number of pending and granted patents.
Total Trademarks |
Total number of pending and registered trademarks.
Trademark (Title) |
The name of the trademark.
Trademark Class |
The class assigned to the trademark, as defined by the IP office.
Trademark Owner |
The owner of the trademark.
Trademark Status |
The current status of the trademark.
Trademarks Pending |
Total number of trademarks pending registration.
Trademarks Registered |
Total number of trademarks registered.
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