How are industries organized?

Article author
Crunchbase Staff
  • Updated

At Crunchbase, we organize our company data using 700+ Industries and 40+ Industry Groups.  

View the full list of the Industries and Industry Groups in Crunchbase here.

Industry Groups are broader subjects that encompass multiple industries. Industries are more specific market segments.

For example:

The Industry Group: Community and Lifestyle contains 17 Industries, including:

  • Dating
  • Religion
  • Wedding
  • Etc.

Company profiles can belong to multiple industries and industry groups. We encourage company profiles to have 3-5 industries in order to optimize the profile’s appearances in Crunchbase Pro searches.

When building Advanced or Query Builder searches and using the Industry filter, search by industry name, and select the industry group that best fits your search criteria. Note, if an industry is in more than one Industry Group the associated groups will appear and both will be auto-selected. 


To find the Industry lists in the platform, visit the links below:

Industries list

Industry Group list

Note, Industries was previously known as Categories and Industry Groups was known as Category Groups. 

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