Crunchbase Lists and Searches
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Company profile information is wrong
- Infotech Systems Integrators
How to check if our company gets listed for any searches?
- Infosearch BPO
How do I cancle the information on my contact list?
- Xingshu Yin
Adding adding company websites to companies saved in a list
- Kevin St Cyr
Acquiree Name Filter?
- Wheatly
company employees
- Dennis Jolluck
How to filter only startup firms?
- Pabloeleao
Crunchbase API retrieve contacts
- Giovanni Salviati
Search for companies that have already an international presence or are expanding internationally
- Lukas M Rhomberg
Ability to add columns to search queries.
- Michał Bachmacz
How to Filter by Business Model / Revenue Generation
- Omid Izadjou
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Search for companies with multiple geographic locations
- Felix Balda
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How to search and download a list of companies in a venture portfolio company?
- kasey lundquist
Max Number of Saved searches and list
- Andrey Lunev
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Data on Social Enterprises & Impact Investing
- Diyar Kashlook
How to find failed companies?
- Mr M Jee
Create a query for Companies that have made acquisitions within a specified date range
- Elcy Cruz
Investors Gain
- Kapil Hasija
Hottest Tech Startups of 2020
- Erika
Tracking your competitors on Crunchbase
- Erika
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Combining search terms
- Vera Demary
Featured Searches and Lists from the Crunchbase Daily Newsletter
- Erika
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Discover up and coming companies
- Erika
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