Crunchbase Profiles Q & A
Ask questions about Crunchbase Profiles or share your expertise by answering questions.
Cannot edit my company profile, while others are adding incorrect and spam information to my company profile. Answered
- Jerry Klamm
duplicate profile for ivan bercovich Answered
- Ivan Bercovich
Please remove my duplicate profile Answered
- Dietz
Change URL on Crunchbase company profile Answered
- Bill Heyman
I need to delete duplicate employee profile
- BANA Angels
Duplicate profiles Answered
- Luis Matos
Organization profile delete request Answered
- Sergey Pushkin
Request To Remove Unauthorized Pages - Benistar Answered
- Rick Turner
Need to delete a duplicate employee profile
- Jerry Huang
How to update and verify the crunchbase company profile? Answered
- Brindalakshmi Rajkumar
Crunchbase URL Change
- David Lamb
Removal of duplicate employees & founder
- Ashlyn Webber
Delete Duplicate Employee
- Sasha Yap
Duplicate company profiles Answered
- Lauren Jones
Duplicate Founder & Adding Contacts Answered
- Ashlyn Webber
Delete company profile
- Diego Caballero
How to remove the duplicate profile Answered
- Wafiul Haque
Cant sign into Regular account, New account link to social authentification. Merge? Answered
- Alexander Girau
Can't create profile (After multiple days) To start contributing, link your social network profile to your Crunchbase account. Our team will then review your account and enable it for contribution (this may take up to one business day). Answered
Duplicate company profile Answered
- Sunita Voleppe
Need to delete a duplicated job Answered
- Andrea Diaz Baquero
Company profile deletion request Answered
- Alessandro -
Correct Listing
- Marlies Bloxham
Unable to contribute after connecting social accounts Answered
- Ashlyn Webber
Unable to removed duplicate? Answered
- Cain Peng
Duplicate listings Answered
- Paul 🐺
Delete Duplicate Employee Answered
- Ashlyn Webber
Need to delete a duplicate employee profile Answered
- Karen Ramalho Palermo
URL change due to company rebranding Answered
- Caio Barbosa
How can I merge two pages please Answered
- Ana Saldana
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