Crunchbase Profiles Q & A
Ask questions about Crunchbase Profiles or share your expertise by answering questions.
Can't create profile (SPAM FLAGGED) To start contributing, link your social network profile to your Crunchbase account. Our team will then review your account and enable it for contribution (this may take up to one business day).
- LiMiT
Danielsen Johansen Webtjenester Org nr 930 363 499 company does not show
- Thomas johansen
how can I download company logos that show up in my searches
- Kenneth Tapscott
Please delete duplicate company page
- Rachel Karl
Wrong Information
- Erez Adiri
To change company contact details (Email & Contact number)
- Nafeesa Mohideen Abdul Cader
Duplicate Employees
- Max Avery
Updating Company Profile Page URL
- Simon Forgacs
- Edited
Remove incorrect contact from company profile.
- Anton Frei
Fake company profile using our logo
- Tobias Hann
I'm trying to add Employe profiles for our Crunchbase profile, however it duplicates.
- Tyler Lai Zong You
Remove duplicated company profile
- Alexander Yin
- mandarin -
I am Verified Owner of the Company but still i am not able to make changes, like if i make any changes it gives error
- Florencio Garcia
Incorrect company association
- Michael Paladino
I need to delete duplicate employee profiles in my account
- Sudeep Suru
Register my company on CrunchBase - Not showing up in the list
- Vivan Puri
Remove duplicate employees
Investor Profile Duplicated
- Aditya Karki
How to add install data for mobile app publishing companies?
- Ankit Sharma
How to verify your account for a company if you no longer have the domain name
- Vanshaj Poonia
lenningen instead of lenningen
- Stefan Radlmayr
Freelancer wanting to post a blog but no company profile
- Kelsey O'Shaughnessy
Please Remove Duplicate Company
- Tim Baldus
Contacts section is showing wrong people
- Ivan Dzyuba
Merge Profiles
- GC Realty & Development, LLC.
Changing profile of an acquired company
- Natalie Beaulieu
Removing a Contact from our company page
- Bridgette Leslie
Why are people not visiting my website?
- Emma Terry
Adding the company and editing the datas
- Engie Code
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