Crunchbase Pro Q & A
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Pro Chat Support + Inviting Team Members
- Karissa
Searching for firms who attended multiple accelerators Answered
- Jerome A Katz
AND instead of OR filter for industry Answered
- Mitch -
how to redirect alert notification
- amman amjad
How can I direct alert emails to a separate email address?
- TopFollow APK
- Edited
Can you get contact information of executives at investment firms on crunchnase?
- Kevin -
Add past company details to CSV exports
- James White
How many Email Credits do we get in pro version?
- Hamza Butt
- Yaniv Shohat
Adding New Company to Crunchbase Answered
- Joseph Castonguay
Fireside Recent News Not Working
- Christian Villere
MSSPs in the taxonomy
- James Reilly
MSSPs in the taxonomy
- James Reilly
How are IPO dates calculated?
- Trade Flows
- Tomas
what can I do with the 7 day free trial pro version?
- marco zanetti
More details on No Mapping Rule
- Zach Naglieri
Viewing Company Profiles in Crunchbase
- Peter Buchanan
Hubspot vs. Salesforce CRM integration
- Alan Kittner
Extremely Limited Fields for Exporting Lists (as compared to Searches)
- Catherine Witt
Export options
- Anuj Panchal
Sales Executive Contractor
- Sean Younk
Plagued by "Please verify you are a human"
- Brandon Lee
- Edited
Can I share a list with invited team members so we can all work together on the same list?
Company VAT IDs
- Tony Leung
How to connect to CRM?
- Tantrik Ramkali
- Edited
UK private companies
- Ray Algar
created_at before announced_on?
- Aaron Hugh
Editing my company profile with Crunchbase Pro
- Emilia Witczak
Search Contacts with Company in This List Filter
- Sven Deckert
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