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Hello Crunchbase-Community,

for my Thesis I'm researching all Germany Founded B2B e-Marketplaces from the year 2000 until today.

So far my search looks as follows:

Headquarters Locations > Includes all > Germany 

Industries > Includes all > B2B, Marketplace

Founded Date > between > 01/01/2000 and 12/16/2024

From this I get 40 results which is missing MANY Companies. Exhaustive it must be over 1000 companies.

For Example, Company Schüttflix is a B2B Marketplace. Which is not part of the results of my search. When I look up Schüttflix by itself on Crunchbase, it is missing the "B2B" Industry attribute. I guess this is the reason why it is not included in the results of my above described search.

How can I search all in Germany Founded B2B Marketplaces from the year 2000 until today with an exhaustive result?



1 comment

  • Comment author
    Leilah Barnes

    HI Paul,

    Thanks for sharing your question!

    The Crunchbase Support Team is happy to assist. Based on the type of results you are hoping to achieve, we created this search. As you can see from the search we created, we toggled the industry filter to "includes any". That not only broadens the search results, but also reflects the included industries of the company, Schüttflix, that you were hoping to see included in the results.




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