What if I don’t agree with the Similar Companies shown?

Article author
Sophie Chitsaz
  • Updated

One factor of ensuring the reliability of our Similar Companies is through community feedback - thank you for engaging with this feature to improve our machine-learning model for increased data accuracy!

If you don’t agree with our Powered by AI summary, simply hit the thumbs down button, then provide brief feedback on what the issue is:

  • Irrelevant | The insight is unrelated to the topic of growth.
  • Inaccurate | The information provided is incorrect.
  • Outdated | The content is no longer up-to-date.
  • Biased | The insight seems promotional or lacks neutrality.
  • Other | For feedback that doesn't fit the above categories.

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You can also reach out to us via email at prosupport@crunchbase.com to report the Similar Companies that are displaying on your company profile. In your email, please include the URL to the Crunchbase profile, a list of which Similar Companies you don't feel are accurate, and a list of companies you'd like to be added. Our support team will be happy to look into your request and assist where possible. 

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