The Featured Employees on a company profile represent the order that employees appear in the Current Team section. A maximum of 8 current team members can have their thumbnails featured on a company profile.
Featured Employees are recommended to be the prominent figures within a company, such as Founders and C-Suite executives.
While there is a section for Featured Employees in the Edit View, this is only to choose which members of the Current Team are featured in the live profile. There is no Featured Employees section on the live profile, only in the edit view.
Watch how to edit the Featured Employees here:
Or, follow these steps to make updates to the Featured Employees:
To update the featured employees for your company, click the three-dot icon, and select 'Edit' at the upper right corner of the profile. Scroll down to the Featured Employees section (you'll find it after the Employees, Board Members, Advisors section).
Rearrange the order of Featured Employees by dragging them around using the arrows next associated with the name.
Remove someone from the Featured Employees by selecting the red X near their name.
To move an employee from the Current Team into the Featured Employees, you can select the + icon next to their name.
If the employee that you want to feature does not automatically appear in this section, you can select Show More to add them.
Once you’ve arranged the Featured Employee section to appear the way you’d like, click Save All Edits at the upper right of the page.