How do I update an employee from Current Team to past?

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Crunchbase Staff
  • Updated

Thanks for helping us keep our database up-to-date! If there is a former employee, board member, or advisor that is no longer associated with the company they are listed on, you can mark their employment end date to remove them from the Current Team section of the profile.  

Once you have created and socially authenticated your Crunchbase user account, use the top search bar to navigate to the company profile page you’re looking for: 



On the right side of the profile, select Edit from the dropdown under the three-dot icon:

Scroll down to the Employees, Board Members, Advisors section and click the pencil icon in line with the person you're wanting to update:

Once in the person’s job detail edit page, click the End Date box. If you know their exact end date, you can include the year, month, and day. If not, just checking the box will suffice! Click the blue Continue button to proceed:

Click the Save All Edits button at the top right corner to ensure your edits are saved: 

Once you’ve saved your edits, the person will no longer appear in the Current Team section of the company profile page. On the person’s profile page, the job will be shown in the Past Jobs section. Please note that you will still see their name listed in the Edit screen. 

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