What is a drill-in on Crunchbase Pro?

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Crunchbase Staff
  • Updated

Drill-ins can be used for discovering connections quickly by allowing Crunchbase Pro users to drill into the very reasons why a company is listed in a search. You can use drill-ins to expand on a search such as:

  • Companies with more than three lead investors, but want to see exactly who those three investors are
  • Investors who invest in mobile, and want to see a particular investor’s mobile portfolio companies
  • Venture Capital investors who are headquartered in San Francisco that have had up to 50 exits, but you want to see what those exits are

Instead of building another search to get information or going to a profile page, you can save time and get the information you want in just a few clicks. In Advanced Search, click on the hyperlinked number associated with the column you want to drill into - this will lead you to a query template.


In this example, we'll drill into the Number of Exits for the investor Social Starts by clicking on the number listed. 

From here, you'll be brought to a query template on Query Builder search, that provides you with the results related. In this example, the results are Organizations that Social Starts invested in that have since gone through an Exit.Screen_Shot_2020-11-24_at_5.34.56_PM.png

Another form of a drill-in is clicking the magnifying icon to the right of the search result you’d like to explore.

In this example, we’re building a companies search using the Financials filter, ‘Shares Investors With’ looking for companies that share investors with Uber. The results are listing the companies that share investors with Uber but now I want to find out the specific investors that the company Square and Uber share. 


From here, you’ll be brought to a query template showing you the specific investors.


If you’re wanting to look closer at the specific investments, click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the result. 

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